Greetings to my Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I would like to share with you a little about my journey. I am originally from Troy, Ohio and moved to Brookville in 2018. I have 2 adult children, Lindsay and Brady. I enjoy singing all styles of music, cooking, lots of different sports, exercising at the YMCA and taking walks.
After many years as an active layperson and in the Greater Sidney Emmaus Community, I entered the process for ministry in 2015. After completing the Candidacy Summit in 2015, I met all the required mentoring sessions and interviews. In 2016 I completed Local Licensing School and on January 1, 2017, I received my License for Ministry. During that time I was a pulpit supply at my home church, Troy First UMC. I have also been a pulpit supply at the following churches, Maplewood UMC, Lockington UMC, Fletcher UMC, St. Andrews UMC, and Asbury UMC. My first appointment was with Bradford UMC in 2017 as a quarter time pastor. In 2018 I was appointed to Brookville First UMC and State Road UMC to make a two-point charge. In 2019 I was appointed to Antioch UMC and Brookville First UMC. I am currently enrolled at MTSO in Delaware, Ohio for course of study to further my education.
I am passionate about the local church. I am passionate about seeing believers find their God-given gifts and using them for the expansion of God’s kingdom. Going out to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
Warm Regards,
Pastor Keith